
Research and Study

Independent research and study

  • We conduct research and studies with the aim of contributing to the promotion of business and service reform and advancing utilization of administrative information systems.
  • We compile the results of our research and studies in reports, and distribute them widely to the members of our organization as well as national and local governments, affiliatedorganizations and others.

Recent Research and Study Themes

Research on the Utilization of Public Clouds by Administrative Agencies (Summary:PDF)
Research on the Introduction of Agile Development in Administrative Agencies (Summary:PDF)
Research on the impact of blockchain technology on government
Research on Human Resource Development for promotion of Design Thinking in government
Research on promotion of Service Design in government
Research on utilization of artificial intelligence technology in government
Research on practice methods of data management in government
Research on the diffusion of methods concerning data management in the public administration
Research on the current status of digital government in major European countries
Research on the current status of sensor technology use in government and its prospects for the future
Research on benefit evaluation report of U.S. e-government policy
Research on capability maturity model for information systems
Research and study service (on consignment )
  • We provide research and study services for members of our organization as well as other agencies and organizations in the wider area, including building and utilization of administrative information systems.

Recent Research and Study Themes

Research on AI and RPA utilization in municipalities
Public and private data utilization scenario creation platform project
Research on arranging government website requirements for open usage
Research on government and company cases designing and using Enterprise Architecture
Research on business process modeling for business optimization
until 2005
e-Government basic survey
Basic research of the support function by e-Government for intellectual activities associated with administrative services
Basic research of the usage of administrative ICT (Preliminary)

Publication × Seminars

Publication of the official journal
“Administration & Information Systems”

We publish this journal bimonthly, focusing on edited articles about internal and foreign policies and efforts about digital government, latest technology trend in government and other topics. It is distributed widely to national government agencies as well as local governments, organizations relating to digitalization, private companies and universities.

Issued on the 10th in alternate months (even-numbered); Book size: A4

Seminars & Symposium

We hold events, such assymposia, relating to the promotion of digital government, in cooperation with national administrative agencies , other organizations and specialists.

past events

since 2016
Digital government seminar
since 2010
Government CIO Adviser Training Course
since 2007
Virtual Government Seminar (Joint hosting)
E-administration Symposium
from 2005 to 2010
e-Government Online Application Fair
from 2005 to 2008
Local Government Information Promotion Fair (Joint Hosting)

System Management & Planning

Operation of Governmental Certification Infrastructure System

GPKI (Government Public Key Infrastructure) was developed and is operated by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as an infrastructure to enable online applications and notifications from citizens, etc. to administrative agencies.
As the certificate authority on the administration side, GPKI has two functions: as a Bridge Certificate Authority that performs cross-certification with non-governmental certificate authorities on the side of applicants, and as a Government Shared Certificate Authority that issues e-certifications for the officers in ministries, governmental web servers and applications.
We conduct administration and operation of GPKI based on consignment.

Operation of Government shared network

Government shared network is a sleased line infrastructure for government use, that is mutually connected with all ministries, Independent Administrative Institutions, the Bank of Japan, the National Diet, Government Shared System and Local Government Wide Area Network (LGWAN). It was developed and is operated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for the purpose of distributing and sharing information among government administrations smoothly.
41 organizations use it at this time. We conduct administration and operation of it based on consignment.